Freak Of The Week: September 28 – October 4, 2008

Congratulations Heather for a well deserved Freak of the Week. Your caption won the hearts of the Freak Finding Panel of Judges. With it’s homage to clean panties, momma’s, and being a lady even in a drunken stupor, how could it lose? To the victor goes the spoils so here’s to you Heather, you lovely freak.

For Heather

sometimes naughty

sometimes nice

never the same twice

like a shot of vodka

with a diet coke chaser neat

first the bite then the sweet

Once again thanks to everyone for participating. I appreciate it more than I can say. Now go and congratulate Heather. She is truly a deserving freak.

6 Responses to “Freak Of The Week: September 28 – October 4, 2008”

  1. Thanks, Evyl! I’m speechless, and I thought there was only one way to make that happen!

    Proud to be a freak!


  2. Awesome poem, Evyl. Congrats to Heather! 🙂

  3. […] My Mama is SO Proud! Check it out, people!  Bet you had no idea I was so…freaky!! […]

  4. YAY to heather!! Very good words too evyl.

  5. Congrats to Heather! That caption is great! A lady… indeed 😆

    Love the ode.. for a minute I thought it was about me 😉

  6. Well done, Heather. 🙂

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